ARTIST SERIES 035: Eli Wirija

Eli Wirija, a talented director and photographer, hails originally from Jakarta, Indonesia. Eli's journey to the United States began at the age of 15 when they moved to Seattle, seeking to fast-track their education. Adapting to a new culture proved challenging, as they encountered cultural differences, such as the use of sarcasm and the presence of small talk. After moving to New York for art school, Eli began to find a sense of belonging and clarity in their identity as a non-binary individual.

Creativity has been an integral part of Eli's life since childhood. Photography became a passion, with Eli receiving their first camera at the age of 15 and capturing moments with an eagerness to immortalize the fleeting nature of the present. This interest eventually led them to pursue graphic design in college, where they discovered a fascination for the interplay between text and images, there is also a certain sensitivity to composition that is evident in their art.

Eli's artistic style is heavily influenced by their love for manga and video games. They strive to create a visual landscape that transports viewers to a space that blurs the line between fantasy and reality. There is a sense of gentle playfulness within the image. Their work often features characters and scenes that evoke a sense of wonder and imagination. In this realm, any and everything can be made possible. Eli aims to rebuild and reimagine reality, tapping into a collective consciousness of ideas and manifesting them in their medium.

Identity is a central theme in their photographs and they explore their own queerness and the concept of identity. They draw from personal experiences and the influences of their multicultural upbringing to create visual narratives that reflect diverse perspectives and challenge societal norms. They experienced an internal struggle of acceptance during their early adult years that felt alienating at times. In spite of that, Eli's art helped celebrate and embrace their identity, while also inviting viewers to question and expand their own understanding of identity and representation.

The creative process plays a significant role as ideas and scenes appear in their mind and persist until they are transformed into tangible photographs. While in periods of stagnancy Eli has learned to respect and embrace the ebb and flow of their creative energy, recognizing that these moments of rest and absorption are crucial for their artistic growth.

Overall, Eli Wirija's artistic journey is one characterized by resilience, self-discovery, and a commitment to creative expression. They intentionally weave together elements of that rare feeling like one is exploring a dream, inviting viewers into immersive worlds that challenge preconceived notions and explore the intricate nature of identity. Eli's work serves as a testament to the power of art in shaping narratives and fostering inclusivity.