ARTIST SERIES 010: Saji Gabriel Kashimawo Abude

Saji is a multimedia artist born and raised on the upper west side of Manhattan. He runs a custom embroidery and denim repair brand called Chainstich which has become a go to for brands like Bode and A.P.C. Saji also has made strides in screenwriting and film making by taking part in the Tribeca Film Fellows. He has also been making music producing, rapping, and singing with the likes of Sporting Life, Harrison and other young contemporaries. His newest endeavor is painting as he showed me his two first paintings. Along with being one of the people with the most forward thinking style I’ve come across, Saji is the quintessential creative who wears many hats. 

Saji and I grew up a block away from each other and went to the same high school, CityAs School which is program that offers internships instead of typical classroom education. We talked about the impact of our experience their and the overall impact of the school on New York’s creative community. It was beautiful to connect with another artist who had a very similar upbringing and progression toward becoming a full time artist. The neighborhood we grew up is ceased to exist the way were familiar with. We covered every aspect of what made the Upper West  such a special neighborhood when we were jits. Saji discussed his experience growing up in a mixed family with a single mother, his creative influence from peers like Lula Hyers, Esteban Scott, and the whole creative community that has formed before our eyes. How he moved on to turn the darker moments into learning experiences and to create a virtuous art career. 

Saji and I witnessed our peers leave the city in droves for school or simply to escape the city while we stayed to work and build upon our creative endeavors. Saji’s goal and biggest desire now is to keep striving for balance, and to continue to sharpen his toolbox of skills and experiences. 

Thank you for having me in your studio!